(Please see testimonials section)
Psychic Medium Omar MJ has hundreds of exorcisms for many years and has helped hundred of people by removing demons and other spirit entities from their bodies. Omar only works with God and the Divine Light for his exorcism work. Omar performs exorcisms online and in person.
Exorcism Services
Exorcism of an Exorcist
This person was suffering for decades from mental and physical pain. An online session was able to make this person feel much better immediately.
Live Exorcism in Toronto
A successful exorcism client explains his experience of his experience during and after the exorcism
A client suffered from a number of mental & physical problems due to an disincarnate spirit that attached to her. here the spirit communicates with Medium Omar MJ.
This person had 2 entities attached to them and were causing problems including ill fate & health problems.
Exorcism of a male entity named Damian
Exorcism of multiple non-human entities. (Demonic Entities)
Spirit removal online from a person and the home
Spirit removal of 2 entities
Exorcism Online
Exorcism done online.
Exorcism of a family & home. Lady behind had been violent in public. & d ark shapes were also spotted around the home.